The Actress Brigitte Schweizer


Parallel to my vocal studies I took intense private drama lessons with excellent actors in Basle, Lucerne and Zurich, i.e. Henning Koehler, Basle Theatre, Sabine Froebe-Jensen, Basle and Vera Schweiger, Zurich Theatre House - and attended workshops with Irina Schoenen, Swiss TV SRF, and Stephan Lendi, Swiss German Radio DRS.


Besides that, I attended intense classes at the "Kreatives Art Theater Studio" Basle, after the "Method-Acting"- School of Lee Strasberg, Los Angeles, a renowned acting method in Hollywood, which leads to a very authentic, touching interpretation of film and theatre roles.


My drama teachers, my public and journalists said about me, that I am a fine actress as well as an excellent singer.





Henning Koehler, actor at the Basle Theater:

"I think, Brigitte's acting talent is outstanding."


Marco Hausammann-Gilardi, Kreatives Art Theater

"Brigitte has a very special gift of expression and acting.

In my opinion she is very talented. Thanks to her parallel singing studies she'll have lot's of chances in the Theatre World as well as for TV and film."



 "For a woman with a slight physique and attractive appearance Brigitte Schweizer did well, scoring many laughs. The performance was a knockout."



(John Lannigan-O'Keefe, ex-journalist "Opera-Australasia & Opera Canada" after a visit of "Polenblut", Operette Vaduz)